This topic is organized into the following sections:
You administer the servers in an eRoom 7 site using a custom administrative tool, called the eRoom 7 MMC snap-in. This tool "snaps into" the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and adds to the MMC shell all the commands, property dialog boxes, and other tools that you require to administer an eRoom site. The eRoom MMC snap-in looks and works like other tools in the console.
The eRoom MMC snap-in provides access to Site Settings as well as properties for the different servers that eRoom requires. The Extension Manager, server tuning, and diagnostics are available only from the eRoom MMC snap-in (not the Web browser interface).
See also: Notes
about moving/removing servers in the Community
administration topic.
eRoom version 7 supports locks on individual eRoom servers, or all eRoom servers on the site. The locks prevent non-administrator access to the site, and disable routine background activity (such as the eRoom Scheduler). Some administrative tasks require that the server or site be locked. This lock is performed in the eRoom MMC snap-in for the site, server, or community. The community lock can also be accessed through Site Settings.
Site lock (all site servers) - Required for editing properties of the eRoom site. Includes changing the site name or the account and password information of the file server account used for the site.
Server lock - Required for running the eRoom Checker. In eRoom Advanced installations with multiple servers, the other servers are unaffected. You must also lock the appropriate server prior to editing the database server, file server, or index server properties.
See also: Community
locks in the Site administration topic.
When a server is locked, only site administrators have access to all functions on that server, including eRooms, settings pages, My eRooms pages, and search pages. When coming in from the Web browser, all other users see an error message indicating that the site is locked.
When the lock is applied, there is a short grace period (about five seconds) for operations already underway to complete. Operations that aren't completed, such as long file uploads, will fail with an error with the lock error message. It's possible that a server will be locked while the user is in the middle of an eRoom dialog page (such as editing a comment). In this case, the user will receive the lock error when trying to submit the results, and work done in the dialog page may be lost.
When a server is locked, background tasks in the eRoom Scheduler on that server are skipped. No error is logged. If the directory synch server is locked, then the eRoom Scheduler does not perform nightly directory synchronization, but is permitted to perform directory synchronization on demand.
Note: ERSUpgrade does not require the eRoom servers to
be locked. However, when upgrading your eRoom site, you should stop the
WWW Publishing Service and lock all of the eRoom Servers that are joined
to the site.